Relaunch of a new Qahwa Sada now set for immediately post-Thanksgiving. Good stuff coming! In the meantime, some Middle East stuff around the web:
Mohammed Samhouri, "Gaza Economic Predicament One Year After Disengagement: What Went Wrong?" November 2006. (PDF). Crown Center, Brandeis University.
Max Rodenbeck, How Terrible Is It?, New York Review of Books, looks at the war on terror through the lens of a bunch of recent books.
Omran Salman, "Dissent and Reform in Bahrain" and Emad Omar, "Dissent and Reform in Jordan." Links to PDFs of both papers can be found at the American Enterprise Institute Event page. (Thanks to Chanad for the link)
Nawaf Obeid has two new presentations available from the Saudi National Security Assessment Project at the US-Saudi Relations site: "Remnants of al-Qaeda in Saudi Arabia: Current Assessment" and "Saudi Arabia's Emerging Role: New Strategic Initiatives"
Kenneth Pollack and Daniel Byman, "Explosive Affinities: Cross-Border Consequences of Civil Strife in Iraq." Berlin Journal, Fall 2006, via Brookings Institute.
Paul Salem, "The Future of Lebanon", Foreign Affairs, full text via Carnegie.
and the November issue of the Arab Reform Bulletin. Featured articles include:
Arab World: Regional Conflicts as Moments of Truth Amr Hamzawy
Lebanon: Hizbollah's Enduring Myth Emile El-Hokayem
U.S. Policy and Palestine: Reform and Peace are Interdependent Philip C. Wilcox, Jr.
Jordan: A Balancing Act that Keeps Political Change at Bay Rana Sabbagh-Gargour
I just wanted to let you know that Aljazeera English has launched with a new website.
Digg it, link to it and spread the word.
First few minutes of the Aljazeera's broardcast:
Posted by: Abdurahman | November 15, 2006 at 07:55 AM