Some Middle East studies on the web:
The new issue of ISIM (International Institute for the Study of Islam in the Modern World) is full of short, interesting pieces. Among the highlights (all links go directly to PDF files):
- 10 Islamist-Leftist Cooperation in the Arab World / Jillian Schwedler & Janine A. Clark
16 Re-reading al-Qaeda: Writings of Yusuf al-Ayiri / Roel Meijer
18 Liberal Islam: Between Texts and its Modern Condition / Abdulkader Tayob
30 Global War on Terror as De-Militarization / Faisal Devji
32 Lebanese Shia Women: Temporality and Piety / Lara Deeb
Also, the Wilson Center recently produced A View From the Region: Different Perspectives on Israel's War With Lebanon's Hizballah (PDF file). Contributors include Rami Khouri, Aaron Miller, Martin Kramer, Hadi Semati, Murhaf Jouejati, and Soli Ozel.
Over at Jamestown, an interesting paper entitled Shifting Alliances in the Salafi Movement After the Lebanon War, by Abdul Hameed Bakier.
Kenneth Katzman prepared a CRS report for Congress on Iran's Influence in Iraq. (PDF file; via Steve Aftergood).
Original Qahwa Sada content coming soon, just as soon as contributors get their stuff in!
Dear Marc et al,
what do you (and the others) think of this:
--The "Press Under Siege" conference will explore the efforts of Arab media to win their independence and freedom in an environment of continuing repression and harassment.--
the list of participants doesn't quite read like "independent Arab journalists" to me ...
Posted by: MSK | October 25, 2006 at 03:10 PM