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June 19, 2008


Joe Buck

He won't end the controversy because he wants to have it both ways, to have all sides believe that he's in their camp. McCain has a long history of doing this.


You don't truly expect that McCain will have a clue about all this nuanced stuff do you? Or that if did have a clue, he could express his thoughts in anything other than dumbed down drivel? He is going to need some help from someone on this. It is too complicated, too much history, for him to tackle.

Martin Kramer

Really, if U.S. presidential campaigns begin to formulate policy statements in reaction to every bit of fabulous misreporting in the foreign press of things never said by campaign advisers, they will have to triple their staffs. The suggestion that they do so is absurd, and on principle, McCain's campaign should (and will) ignore it. A mature media cleans up its own mess. The suggestion that it is McCain who should provide Jordan's media with a clean diaper is a pretty devastating commentary on the failings of that media.

And by the way, campaign advisers are not campaign spokespersons, they provide input, not output. Candidates aren't responsible for everything or anything said by an adviser, so even if Kagan did say it, it would be a non-story. There are plenty of savvy Jordanians who know this. They should explain it to their countrymen.

Martin Kramer

And here, just for the record, is McCain on the record.

Washington Post, last November:

McCain said he's committed to a two-state peace process and will do "everything in my power to move it forward."

"It's vital we have peace in the Middle East between the state of Israel and the Palestinian Authority and it's vital Arab nations join in this effort and it succeeds."

Jerusalem Post, last October:

Asked his thoughts about a Palestinian state, McCain said it should be the "ultimate end," but first there needed to be "peace," which he later explained as security and an end to terror.

Gee, finding those was hard...


"campaign advisers are not campaign spokespersons, they provide input, not output. Candidates aren't responsible for everything or anything said by an adviser"

Well said. I'm sure Rob Malley and Samantha Power would agree. So would I. Better get the message out!

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