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June 06, 2008


Saeed Uri

Do Jordanian universities have student elections? Is their any parallels between the Egyptian MB and the Jordanian MB in regards to a student movement? In Palestine and Egypt student government is regarded as a fairly accurate microcosm of the national political mood. What is the status of the Jordanian student governments, if it exist?


Saeed... I can share what I'm familiar with from the University of Jordan, which has over 35,000 students and I think is a microcosm of what's happening in the country as a whole;

There was a point, in the 90's if I'm not mistaken, when the student council had a majority from the Islamic Current, i.e. the student movement of the IAF and the MB. Eventually, the university changed the council election law to one-student-one-vote, and then they went as far as deciding to appoint half the council members (40), and have the other 40 directly elected by students. This resulted in the Islamists boycotting the elections for many years, but they had some exceptions - I guess this might echo the debate of participation over boycott in order to influence change.

As in Jordan as a whole, the Islamic current is the only well-organized active student group... and they volunteer and coordinate many student services independenly - things like providing lecture notes and past-papers of exams.

Anyways, I've been out of university for two and a half years now, so I'm not sure how things are now, but here's a post I wrote on this three years ago:


and here's another you might find vaguely relevant:



One question: just where can you find the monograph?


The Mohammad Abu Rumman monograph that is... It's one thing to recommend it highly, but if nobody can find it...it isn't useful.


It was published by Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, 2007, title: The Muslim Brotherhood in the Jordanian Parliamentary Elections. The publisher offers this website: www.fes-jordan.com

Batir Wardam

I suggest this as an account of the student activities in Jordan during the early 90s and the failure to establish a student union


got it! thanks!


Marc, here is the link to the new article on the Islamist movement and its changing fortunes in Jordan ...


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