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June 27, 2008


Chris Baker

In Baghdad the Prime Minister has ordered the Army to disband the Sons of Iraq. However the PM's position has changed in that all qualified members are to be offered jobs either in the security forces or other government positions. Only a short time ago job training was being offered, not government jobs, for those who were accepted into the security forces. The other problem is some important leaders in the Awakening are involved in the provincial elections and the US can't be seen financially backing one political aspirant over another. The Iraqi Army has said it's very difficult to coordinate operations between the Army, police, the Sons of Iraq and the US military. However the Army also clearly recognizes that the security forces still lack adequate forces.


It seems like the government is going after some of the SOI leaders. 6/29/08 the LA Times reported the story of the commander of the SOI in Amariya, who was charged with murder and fled to Jordan.


Reuters reports that the head of the SOI in Adhamiya was arrested for murder. Some of his fighters protested for his release.



The other problem is some important leaders in the Awakening are involved in the provincial elections and the US can't be seen financially backing one political aspirant over another.

Doesn't seem to be bothering the US too much in the many other cases where in our names and with our money operatives are busily backing some parties and squeezing out others. Like the late Mr. Farley, a State Department contractor who had just helped force out the Sadrist head of a local council in Sadr City.

Given that, a more plausible explanation is that the US occupation organizers just aren't particularly interested in helping any Sunnis into government positions, period.


You forgot to mention the reduction in US forces. I know, it's the awakenings and not the increase in US troops that is the hero of last years pushback. But then again...


I just wrote a piece on my blog about the possible futures for the Sons of Iraq.


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