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May 09, 2008



How about every sane person in the U.S. should be upset? Can this administration be any stupider, any less serious, any more worthy of scorn? Don't answer that; there's always tomorrow's news.


How about every sane person in the U.S. should be upset? Can this administration be any stupider, any less serious, any more worthy of scorn? Don't answer that; there's always tomorrow's news.


How about every sane person in the U.S. should be upset? Can this administration be any stupider, any less serious, any more worthy of scorn? Don't answer that; there's always tomorrow's news.

afferent input

Ugh. The gang that can't shoot straight rides again!


The goal is not really to "win" a GWOT -- the goal is simply to continue a GWOT. Anyone who starts having too much success will be discontinued, at least until 1/09


If I'm Barack Obama, I play this up big-time. Show the ineptness of this administration for what it really is.

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