Kuwaiti politics have been really interesting lately, ever since the Emir dissolved Parliament and called for early elections now slated for May 17. With a new electoral system and some inflamed Sunni-Shia tensions and a vocal opposition, nobody really knows how these will go - a rarity in Arab elections, which are usually gerrymandered and fixed to death (see Asher Susser's latest brief on Jordan for Brandeis, by the way, for an entertainingly depressing explanation of how the Jordanians usually do this). I haven't written anything about it, though, because I've been waiting for today's lecture by Ambassador Edward Gnehm at the Elliott School (12:30, 6th floor, 1957 E Street). Gnehm, who probably knows more about high-level politics in Kuwait than anybody else in the United States, is just back from a visit and should have a lot to say. Anyone interested in Gulf politics, please come by - with apologies for the short notice (it was postponed from last week).