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February 23, 2008



That's quite a list of topics about which to write. I look forward to reading Lynch's comments on a conference that probably will not be widely discussed in the print media.


Ssshhh! Suggesting that foreigners, and especially Arabs, support Obama does him no favors at home.

The overwhelming sentiment in Cairo is that it doesn't matter who wins; the Arabs will still get screwed. Though for what it's worse, one taxi driver here told me he preferred Hillary because he assumed she was a front for Bill and Bill had a likable face. He dismissed Obama because he wouldn't "be allowed" to win anyway.


Unfortunately, I think you're right, ash-shakkak... especially with the recent claims on the rightwing-blogosphere that the Obamas aren't patriotic (no flag lapel pin, no hand over heart, etc). That kind of stuff usually gets a certain segment of Americans wound up into a tizzy. I hope I'm wrong! I guess we'll have to see how it all plays out...

No Preference

AA, did you happen to discuss "24"'s promotion of torture with your seatmate Howard Gordon?

Mark Pyruz

Interesting to note AJ's attention to al-Alam. Obviously, in the game over viewers, the Iranian based station provides greater competition than does al-Hurra.

No Preference

AA, did you happen to discuss "24"'s promotion of torture with your seatmate Howard Gordon?

Mohamed Nanabhay

It was great having you in Doha! Too bad about missing Jumana ;-)

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