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December 10, 2007



Old debates about technology versus society come to mind. The weblog is just a medium of communications, and without social change it may take the people who use it only so far. I generally disagree with you when you seem to argue that electronic communications somehow intrinsically lead to different hierarchical relationships. But again, a somewhat stale discussion I guess.

Mahmoud Said

You typed it wrong ..
not "Islamoffline" it's "ikhwanoffline"

but let me say,
MB members blogging isn't about one person "Monem" or even the Muslim Brotherhood

it's about every one of them ...


note also what's happening in Jordan (new press laws last year, applies to online websites). perhaps a broader trend?

then again, places like tunisia, a blogging spring didn't exactly unfold in the first place. at least, not if you lived there.


"The weblog is just a medium of communications, and without social change it may take the people who use it only so far".

Although this maybe true to an extent but at least people are dialoguing, which is a positive trend.

By the way, the new press law in Jordan does NOT apply to online websites thanks to HM the king who interfered and stopped the government from taking a step in that direction.

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