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June 11, 2007


Gregory Gause

I doubt that there is any connection between this raft of articles (finally discovering the story that the Aardvark had been following for months) about the Sunni insurgent groups, al-Qaeda and the US and the recent series of comments from al-Maliki and Talabani a few other Iraqi government officials warning about a "coup" aimed at the current Iraqi government. However, it is interesting to note that, just as this activity heats up on the Sunni side, the Iraqi government expresses real worries about efforts, encouraged by neighboring Arab states, to put together an alternative coalition to displace al-Maliki. One wonders if that disparate coalition can ever come together (Sadrists and Fadila, al-Tawaffuq, Saleh Mutlak, Iyad Allawi). But it does indicate that there is plenty of stuff going on behind the scenes in Iraq right now, and not just among the insurgent groups.


Evan Kohlmann seems to see this "truce" as a win for AlQ. The truce statement didn't seem to mention the issues of targeted attacks on the Shiites, or the AlQ's program for global jihad. So if Ansar al-Sunnah and the IAI have now formally thrown in their lot with AlQ and have accepted attacks on the Shiites and global jihad what are the implications for the Iraqi nationalism issue? And will it mire the US even more?

Ellen Knickmeyer

I'm Ellen Knickmeyer, the Washington Post's Cairo bureau chief. Trying to get hold of you and can't find a current email. Would you mind contacting me on the email above? And deleting this posting?

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