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June 29, 2007



"Saudi and Jordan unite against their common enemies: al-Qaeda and al-Jazeera."

You should include Lebanon, and Egypt in that list as well. Particularly in Lebanon, Al Jazeera doesn't seem to have many fans, anymore.

Maybe not "HAMAS" TV, but "Palestine" TV?

Batir Wardam

For any one who sees the high professionalism and credibility of the English Jazeera it will be schizophrenic to have the Arabic channel which lacks credibility and professionalism. I wish the Arabic channel will learn how to be objective from the English one.


Poeple will tune in to the news sources that fit their views of the world. So even if Aljazeer turnes more right wing than Fox News, the Arab public will find an alternative source of information. The same in the US. It's a simple formula really.

So long as the Americans and Israelis keep killing Arabs, Arabs will go for news sources that condemn the Americans and Israelis. The body count will always get in the way of any propaganda campaign. Not Hurra, not Arabiya, not even a transformed Al-Jazeera will make a difference. Heck most anti-US and anti-Zionist and ultral-progressive Arabs I know watch MBC and Arabiya. It's silly to assume a positive spin on US and Israeli killings of an innocent person can somehow be whitewashed with misleading news reports.


The reason for the removal of Waddah from the board of directors is much simpler than that; there was an Amiri decree last year that no CEO/MD of a publicly-funded organization should be in the board of directors, so it doesn't only apply to Aljazeera but other publicly-funded companies.


abdurrahman - thanks - i'd heard something like that before, but really it only begs the question... because not all rules are equally applied, y'know. this strikes me as a fig leaf, a way of explaining the move, rather than the reason for the move. but maybe you're right and it really is that simple..


"With a grain of salt" means with a dose of skepticism. A dune of coarse sea salt presumably means utter incredulity.

Does salt mean anything like that in Arabic?

Arabic speakers, please clarify: what idiomatic expressions convey various shades of skepticism, from charitable credence in an innocent fib, on the one hand, all the way to stout refusal to hear outright rubbish, on the other?

Are there also different shades of expression for "conspiracy theory," perhaps extending from a lazy daydream, on the one hand, to a thoroughly visible group campaign, on the other. Is an "old wives' tale" on par with an "old codgers' BS"?

True or false: one reason Arabs learn English is to that they can imprecate without using the language of faith and scripture. Why do so many immigrants in southern Europe know certain distinctive English words? If a Saudi hears a speach with suspect statements, might he indeed say to a peer, first in Arabic, "Ah, a wonderful speech," and then add in English, "To be taken with many grains of salt."


I only had the general impression english al jazeera is slightly conformative t western norms because it would be otherways in no position to publish.
That i can to some extend experience as sheer necessity. However on at least 1 instance i noticed how a in my eyes very controversial topic got whipped of the table in a context that i perceived as purely western. Quite recently.

Hearing the board of directors changed, or a director that help shape al jazeera , is not comforting.
Well i anyway try to have my eyes open.

Also if even aljazeera would not report for hamas, with the racist and fascist neglect of the gazean people , they would loose every credibility. Such a single issue says not much. Although i don't have tv i actually hope al jazeera reports quite a lt about gaza. In a time like this of tensions just over, or still living and with no economic right to exist yet, the attention and information of a broader public may help them a lot in achieving a humane situation and maintaining humane standards within an inhumane one.

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