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April 04, 2007



"The main difference has to do with the wide swathe of moderate Islamists, which Mabrouk tags as part of the 'liberal Islam' threat but RAND rejects as insufficiently moderate."

Interesting. I think we can see this undefined class of Islamists, which includes people like Hamas, Hezbollah, MB and who accept the democratic model (albeit in an "Islamic" fashion), as between two hard places. They and the many people in OPT, Lebanon, and Egypt who support their peaceful drive against what they see as corrupt governments, as opposed to jihadist style chaos-creation, are powerless on the institutional level, but with a great degree of popular sovereignty. It is my contention that this de-centralized vacuum in which popular sovereignty is cut off from institutions is the result of many of the modern Middle East's problems.


"The main difference has to do with the wide swathe of moderate Islamists, which Mabrouk tags as part of the 'liberal Islam' threat but RAND rejects as insufficiently moderate."

Interesting. I think we can see this undefined class of Islamists, which includes people like Hamas, Hezbollah, MB and who accept the democratic model (albeit in an "Islamic" fashion), as between two hard places. They and the many people in OPT, Lebanon, and Egypt who support their peaceful drive against what they see as corrupt governments, as opposed to jihadist style chaos-creation, are powerless on the institutional level, but with a great degree of popular sovereignty. It is my contention that this de-centralized vacuum in which popular sovereignty is cut off from institutions is the cause of many of the modern Middle East's problems.

Gregory Gause

Well, the guy is over 80. He might fade in the second half. Greg Oden did.


I thought El Banna was great and pretty much agreed with all his points. Mabrouk only needed mouth foam to really show how rabid he was...

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