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March 20, 2007



Dear AA,

alf mabruuk!



anonymous GWU student

You jerk! Where were you two years ago when I started my master's program in security policy with a concentration in the Middle East? We could have used you when the ratio of classes on Russia to classes on the Middle East was roughly 10 to 1. Better late than never, I suppose...

Amy H

Looking forward to having you and family here in DC!

monkey knife fight

Congratulations! Though I must confess that I will not look forward to reduced time in blogging by you. I'm sure that I speak for many with that statement.
Question: do you think that this blog has helped your standing in your field of expertise? I suspect that the answer will be something along the lines of, "Sure, but mainly among the great unwashed." I'm just curious, is all.
Again, congratulations.

Abu Riley

Mabruk! I have many friends who wish you could have come over earlier!!!


If you haven't seen it yet, check this post out.


Thank you greatly professor. Very sad to see you go - truly a loss for the Purple Valley - but also sounds like you have a fantastic opportunity ahead of you. Best of luck.


Mabrook AA! It's so exciting to know that you will be coming to DC. No doubt I will run into you at the countless DC events at think tanks, universities, and such. I'll be starting grad school in the Fall...now you're making me want to consider the Elliott school :) Either way, I would love to meet you or sit in on one of your classes! Welcome to DC :)
p.s. *definitely* say good bye to the 3 min commute!


Congratulations. Mabrouk! Through your blog, I have come to know a side of you and look forward to knowingthe scholar better. I will an adjunct at the Elliott School in the fall teaching a course on Pol Econ of the ME, and I hope to meet you!


From a selfish perspective, that's awesome, since I'm living in DC these days and it would be great to catch up at some point.

Congratulations on your appointment(s).

Dan Drezner

Wait a sec... they're tearing down Stetson? But, but... how will the freshmen get lost trying to find their professors?

Brad DeLong

Damn! All of a sudden Williams looks less attractive as a place to send the sixteen-year-old...


Congratulations Abu-A. May the changes go smoothly and well for all concerned.

Brad - doesnt' the sixteen-year-old have a vote in this?


For a moment, this really complicates a recent decision I thought I'd made to go to Georgetown instead of GW for my masters degree.

Sure, GTown is the officially better program, but I know your work, as a blogger, better than I know the people I don't even know at GTown.

Of course, you don't know me from Adam, and I'm probably going to go to GTown anyway, but I thought it might boost your ego to know that people you don't even know think your blog is awesome, and can genuinely be compelled to believe in the academic credentials of your entire institution based on your prominence there.
All that from one lousy blog.
Who knows how many other people feel the same?


Mabrook! I'm with Leila on this one! I am planning (Inshallah) on applying for a PhD program there in DC within the next few years, I was eyeing Georgetown, but now maybe I'll try for GW too! I love your blog and incorporate it into my regional area analyses for my organization. Congrats again Ustaz Lynch!

Ma Salaam--

Ben Cronin

Best of luck in DC, Prof. Lynch; the great contributions you made to Williams are very much appreciated by me and my fellow Ephs. Stetson will miss you, too, I imagine (I can't believe they're tearing that lovely rambling old monstrosity down; I hope they keep the facade). And Drezner: you should definitely still think about Williams for the 16 yr. old, and not only for pol. science, where MacDonald and McAllister and Shanks and everyone else will keep it sufficiently real, but for the entire utopian experience of Williams. There's a good chance I'll never be as consistently happy again as I was there.

Ben Cronin

Best of luck in DC, Prof. Lynch; the great contributions you made to Williams are very much appreciated by me and my fellow Ephs. Stetson will miss you, too, I imagine (I can't believe they're tearing that lovely rambling old monstrosity down; I hope they keep the facade). And Drezner: you should definitely still think about Williams for the 16 yr. old, and not only for pol. science, where MacDonald and McAllister and Shanks will keep it sufficiently real, but for the entire utopian experience of Williams. There's a good chance I'll never be as consistently happy again as I was there.

Tom Scudder

G'luck, man.

Brian Ulrich

Hey - congratulations!

Abu Muqawama

Wow... so GW is going to have you, William Quandt, and Melani McAlister next year. Those are some lucky kids looking to study the Middle East! Congrats!


Tunnel City Coffee Roasters just won't be the same without you... :-/

Martin Kramer

Congrats! Look forward to mixing it up with you in DC.

Blake Hounshell

Ahlan wa sahlan, ya ustez.

Eric Martin


DC gets richer...

Daniel Nexon

Glad it is public, so that I can offer you some congratulations! Look us up when you get here.

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