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March 21, 2007


Neil Levine

I went to a conference this morning in London where Youssef Boutros-Ghali, when asked about these changes, said that the Egyptian government had been "unable to explain the constitutional changes properly" either to the Egyptian people or the world. He went on to say that people misunderstood the progressive reforming zeal that motivated these changes. When pushed further, he choose to spoke about the ban on religious parties, saying that there was no room for religion in politics and used the analogy of Germany not allowing "Aryan parties". He also said that the judicial review of elections had to be curtailed because it currently meant the "total" review of every ballot box by a judge which "no country in the world" practises and that judges were also liable to corruption. As this was a private equity conference, he was asked whether the turmoil that has resulted due to these constitutional proposals had deterred investors. "No, they just care about making money as they should," he replied.


Interesting, thanks. Yes, they would emphasize the anti-MB part because this will play the best in the West.

Neil Levine

Yes, he also span it that this was no different to the anti-terrorism debates that had erupted around the PATRIOT Act and so dissent was to be expected.

Peter Principle

"Yes, he also spun it that this was no different to the anti-terrorism debates that had erupted around the PATRIOT Act and so dissent was to be expected."

The servant has been studying the master. All he needed to add was that public opposition to President Mubarak's bold strategy for freedom hurts Egypt and helps the terrorists.


Noha al-Zeini (corect name)



thanks ahmad, i wrote that from memory and didn't check it - correcting it now.




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