Very busy with teaching, article deadlines, reviews, children, wondering why Veronica Mars failed to thrill, and whatnot. But I still have time to wonder:
The 9/11 Commission warned us against failures of imagination. Are we still failing to use our imaginations about emergent threats in today's global environment?
widdle cuddly bears... of death?
Nextwave is, in fact, love.
Discuss among yourselves.
on a related note..
did you see the story in the NYT,
...about this dept of homeland security funded project to develop computer software to monitor international media to identify "potential threats" to the nation.
“We want to understand the rhetoric that is being published and how intense it is, such as the difference between dislike and excoriate”
(i guess they don't expect worry about the difference between appreciate and tolerate)
...better we have computers than say, sentient beings bothering about how (and why?) "those people" really feel about US...(no offense to computers intended)...
on that note, season three of battlestar galactica begins tonight
Posted by: WH | October 06, 2006 at 09:58 AM