Some liberals seem incapable of understanding that at a time when America is at war against merciless enemies the New York Times and the rest of the MSM are becoming a threat to national security. It may be time for right-thinking Americans to start thinking seriously about alternative models for a free press. One better model for the American media might be something like this:
Although newspapers are privately owned, the state exerts tremendous influence over what is reported. The government approves the appointments of editors-in-chief, a process that journalists say is done behind closed doors .... “opposition journalism” simply doesn’t exist ... While some columnists have criticized low-level ministers, news coverage is typically devoid of anything reflecting negatively on the [ruling] family, high-ranking officials, and the country’s religious clerics and institutions.
Top editors and most journalists view themselves as defenders of the ruling family, and government officials ensure allegiance by applying behind-the-scenes pressure—issuing directions on sensitive stories, banning coverage of certain topics, and taking punitive actions against journalists.
Now that's the way the Founding Fathers envisioned the role of the media, don't you think?