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March 10, 2006



I am also a scholar and if invited to give a talk, I konw that I can not pay. The organizer can.
I observe your blog since about a number of months.
Your carrying out an excellent research via your blog.
I fully understand Mr. Alvin Snyder's points.
Bloggers not only in the USA, but everywhere need some
policy guidelines, but not strict policy guidelines. But what I can not understand is that he quoted
"Academics ... have a conflict of loyalties".
With the best wishes,

Nur al-Cubicle

I have in my hand here a list of 100 US bloggers who are members of al-Jazqaeda


I am also a scholar and if invited to give a talk, I konw that I can not pay. The organizer can.
I observe your blog since about a number of months.
Your carrying out an excellent research via your blog.
I fully understand Mr. Alvin Snyder's points.
Bloggers not only in the USA, but everywhere need some
policy guidelines, but not strict policy guidelines. But what I can not understand is that he quoted
"Academics ... have a conflict of loyalties".
With the best wishes,

Leila Abu-Saba

The guy is jealous. You've got a cool site, the young people and hipsters listen to you, your latest book is getting reviewed, you've got this happening comic-book/pop culture sideline that adds cachet. You're going to pay for your mass-culture exposure, ya Ustaz, with such slings and arrows...academics don't like it when one of their own moves out of the sphere of dusty journals and college-sponsored conferences into the limelight (such as it is in blogworld). But clearly you can take the sparring. Bravo!

(Maybe that photo of you with Joumana sent him over the edge? Poor fellow. He's worrying over obscure au pairs, and you're hobnobbing with international TV newscasters of beauty and brilliance)


Funny. I haven't met but four bloggers, and I learned that two more bloggers were around. I was paid for flight and hotel as well even though I'm not an academic and so were other bloggers/activists.

P.S I read your blog regularly and I love what you write.

Leila Abu-Saba

Applause for having second thoughts and deleting something objectionable. I didn't read the link so it's forgotten. It's too easy to lose one's head and say things that go too far on the internet. (I know, I've done it myself, and have even upon occasion asked to have a blog comment removed)

Some bloggers seem to think that one should never edit such remarks. I disagree. If you catch yourself trashing standards you care about, it's better for civil society (and civil blogging?) to apologize, delete, and move on.

You're a mensch, ya Ustaz.

the aardvark

Leila - yeah, I really felt bad when I realized how that line could be read. I mean, Alvin has written two columns in a month which seem to me to be outrageous misrepresentations of me, and I have no problem with pointing those out and criticizing him in turn, but it isn't and shouldn't be personal like that could have been interpreted. Maybe I'm just too sensitive...

Anna in Cairo

No, you aren't too sensitive - you just practice what you preach.

the aardvark

Anyway, I just feel bad about the whole thing. I hate public fights like this, even if I feel like I'm in the right. I'm hoping that two rounds of him attacking me and me responding like this are enough.


Hmmm, stupid whanker. You're too bloody nice mate.

Maybe once my bloody business issue is resolved I can take on a new jihad.

issandr El Amrani

I didn't know this was "One of the most controversial recent events in the blogosphere." Ridiculous.

Incidentally, I'm not sure how I feel about getting morality lessons from a former PR guy for the Nixon White House and former producer of anti-Soviet propaganda for USIA. Apparently he doesn't like ambiguity -- he wants to know for sure which way his bread is buttered.

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