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March 21, 2006


lamont cranston

great stuff, keep up the good work. you note that the Iraqis read Foreign Affairs, writing reports on articles by Pollack, Indyk, etc. (I heard Betts was covered as well.) The JFCOM report, though, says that the Iraqis had very little discrimination, and treated loons like Lyndon Larouche seriously too. Have you found any evidence of that?

In general, does what you've read so far add to or change your views about the Iraqi regime at all? I know some people, for example, who felt that the JFCOM report's discussion of the domestic paramilitaries (Al Quds Army, Saddam Fedayeen, etc) was illuminating, by bringing out just how central internal rather than external security was in their conception and management...


PS for those who don't know about it, the full JFCOM report should be available from the USGPO in a few days, but excerpts are available now at www.foreignaffairs.org

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