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March 23, 2006



dear aa,

you might find this post on aqoul interesting:





ps: we just put up a complete translation of the wafa sultan appearance @ al-jazeera.

Omar Basawad

Superbly and objectively written! Thank you for sharing this!

'Tele-Islamism' is growing; but I do hope, tele- Isalmists do not end up like the American tele-evangelists: Bakker and Swaggert come in to mind.

Laila El-Haddad

Hi Marc,
I've been following this myself (and am constantly amazed at how little Western press Amr Khalid gets), and I think I'd love to pick up this piece and sent it to aljaz english site-if you/she wouldn't mind? let me know-email me!


great stuff, lindsay--thanks for sharing.


I am personlly watching and working on a paper on Amr Khaled's use of the Internet.

This piece is excellent.


Great job, as always.

I noticed today that the latest round in the cartoon controversy at AUC (which is still very much alive, as Lindsay sadly knows) has been for the Student Union to bring Amr Khaled to campus next week. Given that al-Arian was banned from a scheduled campus event last week on the grounds that he had recently inflamed Coptic-Muslim tensions, it'll be interesting to see what kind of position the campus MB takes. Much of a sense, Lindsay, on the Brothers' official line towards Amr Khaled?


al-Arian was scheduled to speak yesterday but couldn't make it, I heard, due to family commitments.

I went to see Amr Khaled and blogged about it briefly here. He didn't address the cartoon issue directly during the speech itself, though he may have done so towards the end of the question and answer session (I left slightly early).

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