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January 15, 2006


Osama Saeed

Hope you get into the country without any hassle!

Leila Abu-Saba

Ya Ustaz, are you an East Coaster? Because L.A. in January could disappoint you terribly. Don't forget to pack your raincoat and a sweater. We've been having floods of rain in Northern California this season, a mini-El Nino. Last year the rain was so bad in So Cal that a hillside collapsed on Highway 1 north (west) of Malibu. (La Conchita, there's even a short story based on that disaster in a recent NYer magazine)

Anyway - I see it every year - bleary snow-blasted East Coasters plan January trips to California, imagining sunny skies and balmy weather, and then they get soaked to the bone with our winter rains.

The worst thing that will happen to you in the rain at USC is the traffic will suck, but for your emotional health, I feel obliged to warn you.

Then again, it could very well be in the 70s. You never know. Best of luck to you.

Leila Abu-Saba

Checked the weather in the LA Times. No rain predicted. But it won't be 70 the whole time. Bring a warm coat for the evenings.


As far as I know the Aardvark has spent many years in California. Also, his wife is a native of the Bay Area, so I'm sure he knows what to expect!

Leila Abu-Saba

Ok, sorry for being a busybody. I just see this all the time, East coasters expecting great weather in Cal in January...

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