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December 13, 2005



Good point. Do you think USAID should disclose the funding, though?


Yes, good point. Watch out for a current proposal to subsume USAID within the State Department that is being discussed by the Administration. This could make USAID much more like the propaganda organizations you mentioned. Increased disclosure would be the better direction for a public agency to move.

the aardvark

P - yes, I do think it should disclose the funding. Openness and transparency is key. You can see why there would be a temptation to keep it secret, especially in places where association with the US is the kiss of death, but it's almost certainly going to backfire when it's - inevitably - exposed. Anyway, there are lots and lots of Arab journalists who are more than willing to work with USAID-type programs openly, in my experience.

Anna in Cairo

I think the USAID operation in Afghanistan is pretty much an exception. US funding is not really considered cool in other countries either yet USAID insists (as it should) that its brand name be seen on everything it contributes (I work for a USAID funded project myself and have to use their branding requirements on every piece of paper that goes out of this office).

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