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November 14, 2005


Jon Alterman

Thanks for not even suggesting that Democratic silence was a consequence of al-Hurra booster (and BBG member) Norm Pattiz being a big contributor to Democratic campaigns. Such a connection is inconceivable, and to suggest as much would have been unseemly.

the aardvark

Jon - geez, I thought that pointedly referring to Berman as a D made that point... But a thought: Pattiz is out, right, and none too happy about it, so shouldn't his people be free to criticize away now?

Jon Alterman

Pattiz is on an expired term but serves until he's replaced (which hasn't happened yet). Also, there's no sign that he's had second thoughts on al-Hurra -- after all, he's the guy who made Muafac into a star.

But none of this could possibly have any effect on Berman.

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