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June 07, 2005


Nur al-Cubicle

It's Reagan's fault. He forced the international community to leave Tripoli (we Exxon folks) and the Snamprogetti people and the Total guys and our fabulous Underwater Club with bridge and tennis and our picnics at Sabratha. We interacted with the Libyans, our mechanics and our restauranteurs and our grocers and our Libyan Airlines and our chess club and the programmers we trained for the sake of the likes of Reagan's man Michael Ledeen's hatred of Arabs.

I often wonder how things would have transpired, if Libya's trajectory would have been different had we stayed. After we left all hell broke lose. Libyan disinvested from Allis Chalmers and Fiat, the water project stalled, the London Embassy incident, the useless Gulf of Sirte US military maneuvres and all manner of grief.

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