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June 15, 2005


Nur al-Cubicle

Speaking of US expense, the Lebanese model of consensual democracy, which was supposed to have been exported to the rest of the region, is dead. Following last Sunday's win by Maronite General Michel Aoun, the post-Syrian Lebanese Parliament now consists of four confessional blocks: the Shi'a, the Sunni, the Druze and the Maronites.

So Lebanese Spring is dead, Egyptian Spring is dead, Dhayf al-Ghazzal al-Shahibi is dead, Jordanian reforms are dead...what we have here is a moribund morass of malaise.

Nur al-Cubicle

...muddied by malicious miscreants.


I have no comment about the substance of this post...however I would like to point out that the headline was comedy gold. Kudos!

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