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June 06, 2005


Abu Tabakh

Focus on C-SPAN type broadcasting? Hmmmm. Where have we heard this before? See the New York Times on July 6, 2004. Here is a link:



Wait a minute ... I want an Abu Whatever pseudonym, too! All the cool guys have them, it seems.


Random thoughts:

1. What about covering other legislatures, too?

One of the things that draws me to C-SPAN is the thought that I'll get to see foreign parliaments in action if I tune in at the right time. I then stay for the hearings on Social Security.:-)

You could do much by covering, say, Westminster or Ottawa as well.

If you want to be really daring, you could cover the Israeli Knesset and borrow the Arabic feed I presume they have for local coverage (Arabic being an official language and all).

3. 24-hour broadcasting seems viable, in a C-SPAN format. (anybody know how much C-SPAN costs, anyway?)

4. Borrow from PBS. Their documentaries, if translated, would I think be excellent.

Nur al-Cubicle

Al-Hurrah should rebroadcast BBC's "Yes Minister" for a week.


Yes Minister in Arabic would be GREAT! No better introduction to the joys of Parliament :)


Actually, a few weeks ago al-Jazeera announced its own Arabic C-Span (I blogged about it back then). Haven't heard much about it, and I'm not able to watch it, but that would tend to reduce the value of turning al-Hurra into Hurra-Span at this point...

Prak: if you really want to become an Abu, there are some steps along the way that maybe your folks, or the Discovery Channel, or Wonkette, could explain to you. Warning, though: feedings every few hours at night can leave you VERY tired, so think carefully!


ha ha ha

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