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May 13, 2005


Nur al Cubicle

OT. Al Jazeera reporters arrested in Egypt was they were covering a meeting and a street protest. "Authorities arrested 6 al Jazeera reporters and two production team contractors as they were covering protests in downtown Cairo and confiscated their cameras." (It was a pro-Mubarek protest to boot.) The team had permission to broadcast live coverage of a judicial committee meeting determing if it would monitor elections. Two Al Jazeera reporters were arrested inside the building while the others were arrested outside.


It somehow creeps me out that the author hardly got the point re why Lolita was banned. It was, where it was banned, rarely more than the fact that a kid was the sex object. It still creeps out most people.

I dunno what to think. Does it mean that the author sees kids having sex with adults as something normal, or is he just clueless?

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