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November 04, 2004


Scott Martens

Are the BBC "The Power of Nightmares" documentaries going to be broadcast in the US? They just finished here, and they strongly suggest that Al-Qaida is Osama bin Laden, a few of his buds and some inexpensive consumer electronics. The documentarist shoots big holes in the idea that Al-Qaida is something under someone's personal control or sufficiently tightly bound to actually take orders from anyone. Actual actions have to be planned a year or more in advance, funds have to be scrounged, new suckers have to be found and indoctrinated...

I don't have any independent way of verifying any of it, but it suggests that bin Laden is not much more than a media front designed to play to the Arab equivalent of the Freepers and to keep the Americans acting nuts. Any offer of a "truce" should therefore be taken with a kilo of Morton's Kosher, and outside analyses of Al-Qaida plans, strategies and brilliant understanding of American politics are probably even less credible.

Nur al-Cubicle

Scott, some of us have been watching tPoN. Every time I see Richard Pipe's ugly puss, I feel that I'm been subjected to cruel extra-terrestial psyOPS torture. Not to mention the segments with Michael Ledeen. Yes, the series is daring and praiseworthy---and certainly never to be seen on US commerical television.


No way that'll be allowed to play in the U.S.


I completely agree that we should be tracking the BS of the jihadi wesites just as we keep track of our own wingnuts. But aside from this site and Juancole.com, where am I going to find any real info about then?

Nur al-Cubicle

Here's another log for the fire.

Two US missiles were targeted on and destroyed the brand new, Saudi-financed Nazzal hospital in Fallujah. The hospital had not yet been inaugurated but had been equipped with beds, medical supplies, surgical equipment, etc.

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