I don't know why I'm not seeing this reported or discussed anywhere, but much of the Arab press is reporting that, according to the Interior Minister, Pakistan has narrowed down bin Laden's location to a specific point along the Pakistan-Afghan border. For Arabic speakers, here's the story on al Arabiya. Maybe it's not being reported because it isn't true... I dunno. Most of the stories coming up on Google News are of the "bin Laden trail still cold" variety. But I'm seeing it in the Arab media and not in the English, so thought I'd pass it on.
Hey, I just had a crazy thought. Wouldn't it be just wild if they managed to catch bin Laden just in time for the Republican convention? Or, even wilder, a few weeks before the election? Wow, that would just be crazy good luck for Bush. Crazy!
This is why John Kerry should volunteer to lead a group of carefully selected special ops to Pakistan to capture bin Laden.
A posse!
You know, a team of quirky characters kind of like those guys in "The Dirty Dozen" or that bad asteroid movie (was that a Bruce Willis flick?).
Posted by: Rodger | August 18, 2004 at 09:19 AM
That is an amazing idea. Kerry plays the hardened veteran who has distaste for war but is pure gold when times get tough. Edwards is the talented young guy with a sweet face and no experience with war. Dean is the hot-head. This script writes itself. Also, if we are going with the Bruce Willis asteroid movie (which I never actually saw), Kucinich definitely needs to play the Steve Buscemi character. Am I right or am I right?
Posted by: Alex | August 18, 2004 at 01:11 PM
The capture of Bin Laden in late October will be our version of the Reichstag fire.
Posted by: Norm in S. F. | August 18, 2004 at 08:39 PM
I never actually saw the entire asteroid movie either...but I did see too much of it once while shopping in Circuit City.
I hadn't even thought of the other Dems...
Posted by: Rodger | August 18, 2004 at 11:43 PM
Why do we need a posse if we got us them bounty hunters?
In 20 years OBL will melt out of a Hindu Kush glacier, when Old Europe unveils the Greater Americas Initiative.
Posted by: paper tigress | August 19, 2004 at 12:33 AM