I'm sorry, but if I were Stephen Hayes, and I just published a book whose central premise appears to rest upon getting two Arabic names mixed up, I might think seriously about finding another line of work. I hear Walmart is hiring.
Of course, since the Weekly Standard applies the Judith Miller Rules to Hayes, this will probably get him a promotion and another cover story.
Hayes got PWN3D by Jon Stewart last night, it was beautiful.
Posted by: Hassan | June 22, 2004 at 07:42 PM
I don't know what PWN3D means, but it sure sounds good!
Posted by: the aardvark | June 23, 2004 at 09:32 AM
They should have used the Arabic names program described here:
Posted by: Martin Kramer | June 23, 2004 at 09:35 AM
I'd blame the whole thing on Hayden Stephens.
Posted by: Andy | June 23, 2004 at 11:41 AM