Busy day today, so just a quick roundup of old business.
In case you were wondering, still no response from the National Review or Michael Ledeen on his fatwa hoping for the rapid death of several American Congressmen.
Thanks to Lee Smith and Abu Frank (no relation!) for carrying on the Tariq Ramadan debate without me over the weekend.
My apologies to the Angel cast and crew... right after I declared my dissatisfaction with this, now final, season, they come out with a brilliant - and very, very odd - Joss Whedon episode. Angel turns into a puppet, yup, a puppet, and it's good, because Joss did it and the man is incapable of doing bad, it seems. Anyway, that's four really good eps in a row, and I'm regretting what I said about the show. Sorry.
The Comic Book Politics syllabus is proceeding apace, I'm told, and I'm to convey thanks to everyone who sent in such useful suggestions! Large Amazon and EBay shipments are en route for some of the titles that my friend hadn't read before. When the final syllabus is done, I'll post the highlights here!
On Cerebus, a reader sent in a link to this absolutely hilarious account of an interview request with Dave Sim. And this site appears to have tons of interesting Cerebus links (and of course Cerebus Fangirl is still the best!)
And phooey on everyone who failed to comment on how beautiful the baby aardvark is! Except Dave Fiore, who gets a gold star.
Hopefully real blogging will recommence when I'm a little less harried.
Well I'm as eager for a gold star from Professor Aardvark as anybody, but I will not take this whole pseudonym thing so far as to coo over a pseudonymous baby. I'm a mom! Not that I think you have to publish your baby's pics (and blow your cover, if it is a cover). But I just couldn't think of anything to say about that zoo photo you found somewhere.
On the other hand, you could refer to the baby critter as Ibn Aardvark.
PS, best wishes to the real baby and his/her mom. Hope all of you are getting more sleep. How did the Ferber thing work out in the long term?
Posted by: Leila | February 24, 2004 at 01:57 AM