The Times reports that the United States is under growing pressure to make the worst possible decision on the Iraqi transition: transferring authority to the unpopular, unelected, inept and deeply useless Governing Council. I just can't emphasize enough what a terrible idea this is.
One of Bremer's most important concessions to reality was to forcefully bypass the IGC in the transition plan. I think that the caucus system is a terrible idea, guaranteed to be dismissed near and far as a sham. But at least Bremer recognized that any prospectively legitimate Iraqi government would have to be selected/elected by Iraqis by some process.
The Council, at least its most prominent members (i.e. exiles like Chalabi and Alawi), has done almost nothing other than plot and scheme for ways to be handed power without having to contest elections which they would lose. They fear democracy, and have been playing on more honest fears about elections under treacherous security conditions (hey, by the way, I thought it was morning in Baghdad and security was just peachy - how can security also be the reason that elections are too dangerous right now?).
How ironic that Sistani's demand for real elections might result in the least democratic outcome.